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Posts posted by tbone1

  1. EyeTV was a quality application under Elgato, now it seems like Geniatech are driving it into the ground. 


    1. are infrequent
    2. don't include the latest OS support
    3. introduce more bugs than they fix
    4. include no new and useful features.

    Currently I experience the following bugs:

Timeline - when playing videos on High Sierra doesn't show the elapsed or remaining time
    • Live TV Buffer (Keep in RAM) - reducing the program stability when recording and playing back at the same time.
    • SmartGuide selection - you can't set a recurring recording from a SmartGuide, so you end up having to search for the program manually.
    • The Elgato Turbo HD - only works with the first iOS encode of each recording

    I still use EyeTV everyday but if there is no longer any focus on it (64-bit support anyone?) can Geniatech open up the hardware so people can move to alternatives such as Plex DVR?