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Everything posted by Tech-Fan

  1. There I was thinking that I had found the perfect tuner to end all cabling headaches in the house, but so far it has only created annoyance. So I know that this is a fairly old device, but how many new devices are there for our beloved WMC? Indeed there are very few network tuners that support WMC. I know the most popular one by far is the HDHomeRun lineup, but it is costly and there is no model that supports DVB-S. In fact, the eyeTV netstream sat might be the only such device available in that department. Of course I read all the reviews I could find prior to buying, which unfortunately were not many. However the consensus was that support for WMC is excellent. Installation was straightforward. First thing I did after connecting it to my home network was try the EyeTV netstream Android App where Live TV was working out of the box. I can also access the web interface via the DHCP assigned IP. Supposedly the only requirement to make it work in WMC is the installation of a Windows service that interacts with the WMC Receiver Service. Since the EyeTV lineup was apparently bought out by Geniatech, I could not hunt down any working software download links from official sources. I did however find the Windows service installation pack mentioned earlier which runs from the local system account. In an Amazon review (sad that I have to resort to this for crucial tech info), a customer said it would only work in his WMC setup after configuring the WMC Receiver Service (ehRecvr.exe) to use the local system account as well as enabling "Allow service to interact with desktop", the latter of which I also enabled for the EyeTV service. I did find a video tutorial that at least illustrates how it is designed to work under WMC (in German, but the visuals are pretty much self-explanatory if you are familiar with setting up WMC tuners): Alas, WMC still states there were no tuners found. I'm at my wits end here after several hours of trial and error. No anti-virus installed on the machine and I also tried disabling the firewall (even though there already was an exception for EyeTV automatically installed). I am on Windows 7 x86 and x64 by the way (tested on several machines).