DC Rackerby

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Posts posted by DC Rackerby

  1. 3 hours ago, Inigo said:

    Thanks for sharing your issue. I am experiencing an identical failure on a mac mini running macOS 10.12.6 Sierra (and eyeTV3.6.9 (7520)). I have made no changes to my configuration for quite some time, so I am completely baffled as to the cause.

    mc2xml v1.7.2 works under macOS 10.12.6 Sierra.

    I just got it here.

    Note that you will have to "chmod +x mc2xml" to make it executable.

    • Like 1

  2. 2 hours ago, Phillie14586 said:

    Too little too late for me. The EPG I got during my 7 day free trial with schedulesdirect ended this weekend. I paid for a year and now have fully functional EPG with the same information as TVGuide but no longer dependent of Geniatech to get it to me. I only had another month left on my TVGuide subscription so I am not out much.


  3. 2 hours ago, Earl Noe said:

    Is that last glyph the ligature or the letters f i ?  

    Bash shell scripting if/then statements go like this:

    if [ raining outside ]
    <bring umbrella>
    drink coffee

    Drink coffee is not part of the umbrella if/then decision.

    Basically, "if" and "fi" bookend the statement.

    Enquiring minds can find more info here:



  4. 1 hour ago, NotInUse said:


    The saved lineup at SchedulesDirect does NOT alter what mc2XML pulls. I have a saved lineup. 

    Well, it does if you are using the older service (-T flag in mc2xml), but not with the JSON service (-J flag in mc2xml).

    If you click on "Lineup Support" on the Schedules Direct web site, you'll probably see that you have two lineups (one of which you cannot edit).

    However, I thought this thread was primarily about xmltvlistings.com


    8 hours ago, NotInUse said:

    Yeah seems the mc2xml by default pulls every channel for the provider/zip code. The key was to tell mc2XML to ONLY pull specific channels via a mc2xml.chl file in the same directory (just list the channels you want in the file, that's all).

    You can modify your lineup via the web site (see attached).

    Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 9.44.07 AM.png

  6. 1 hour ago, WisconsinEric said:

    Ah, good point, thank you again (and I learned something). 😀 I assume that (a) the two commands are equivalent if the file does not currently exist, and (b) the file will go to the default location for downloads set up for the web browser.

    As the command is written, the xmltv.xml file will be created in the directory where the command is executed.

    If you want it to be created in a particular directory, you would specify that.  For example:

    curl https://www.xmltvlistings.com/xmltv/get/API Key/LineupID/Days > ~/Downloads/xmltv.xml

    • Thanks 1

  7. 11 hours ago, WisconsinEric said:

    I am moving toward automating getting the EPG, so I'll use the command that DC Rackerby wrote in his post above. 

    This command:

    curl https://www.xmltvlistings.com/xmltv/get/API Key/LineupID/Days >> xmltv.xml

    will append the new info to the xmltv.xml file.  So, file will get larger and larger.

    This is probably better:

    curl https://www.xmltvlistings.com/xmltv/get/API Key/LineupID/Days > xmltv.xml

    > redirects output to a file, overwriting the file.

    >> redirects output to a file appending the redirected output at the end.


  8. 1 hour ago, WisconsinEric said:

    Has anyone automated the EPG from xmltvlistings similar to what is described for schedulesdirect.org in the "EyeTV Portfolio Software" Forum discussion? Specifically, not being a programmer, I need some guidance in using the API from xmltvlistings (see the link to it in their help menu). I understand what it is designed to do, but the 4MB file it downloads is not identified as an .xmltv file in format

    Hmm.  Their documentation says "Get listings in XMLTV Format, for a given lineup."  It looks like there are three options:  get, get_lineups, and get_channels.  Are you using "get"?  What does the 4MB file look like inside?  It should look like the example here: https://www.xmltvlistings.com/help/api/xmltv

  9. 56 minutes ago, Phillie14586 said:

    So I tried the bash script again and was not getting any response from running in Automator or Terminal so I rewrote the code. There must have been something about doing a copy paste versus actually writing the code. So I am able to run the script in terminal but I am having some issues.

    It looks to me like there are some unexpected characters in "test2.sh" (hence "/Users/ericphil2/Scripts" becoming "ers/ericphil2/Scripts").

    Try switching to the bash shell (At the "[MacPro:~/Scripts] ericphil2%" prompt, enter: bash), then enter each line of the script (at the $ prompt) to see what the issue is. 

    PS: If the rest of the forum would like us to take this private we can.

  10. 4 hours ago, Earl Noe said:

    TVGuide used to provide scheduling info through almost all OTA broadcast stations via proprietary equipment that the stations used to transmit this info much in the way the basic EPG data is. 

    Well, my understanding is that  Gemstar-TV Guide International was acquired by Macrovision Solutions Corporation in 2007.  Macrovision Solutions Corporation changed its name to Rovi Corporation in 2009.  So, when you talk about "TV Guide" I think you're really talking about Rovi.  Btw, in 2016, Rovi Corporation acquired TiVo Inc.

  11. 5 hours ago, markmorin said:

    TV Guide EPG stopped updating. Subscription still valid. Nothing changed in terms of software, hardware or network. Opened support ticket but looking at the forum posts, it seems this is a wide-spread issue. I expect to receive the standard "technical issue, we're working on it" reply, but technical issues that cause complete outage typically don't take weeks to fix. This is a pre-paid subscription service, so we have a right to a refund if the subscription service cannot be provided.

    I've been using EyeTV for at least 12 years (my first tuner was an "EyeTV USB").  At this point, I'm pretty sure Geniatech does not give a shit about EyeTV customers in North America.  It's kinda looking like the end.

    • Like 2

  12. 2 hours ago, Phillie14586 said:

    #Set the working directory
    cd /Users/ericphil2/Scripts/


    The action “Run Shell Script” encountered an error: “-: line 4: cd: /Users/ericphil2/scripts/

    Caps matter.  You have "Scripts" one place and "scripts" in another.  Pick one.

  13. 3 hours ago, Millstadt Weber said:

    WisconsinEric and Earl Noe:

    I am not having any issues on restarting my mac or quitting and restarting EyeTV. The channels have stayed on xmltv and I still have the Guide preferences set on "TV Guide - USA & Canada".



    1 hour ago, Earl Noe said:

    Interesting. I did not do that, but the Guide and Channels list persist after a restart.



  14. 2 hours ago, Phillie14586 said:

    I am still having a problem getting the launch agent to run.

    First, see if your launch agent file is named correctly...

    From a Terminal prompt enter the following:

    ls -l ~/Library/LaunchAgents/

    Second, see if your launch agent is running...

    From a Terminal prompt enter the following:

    launchctl list | grep com.username

    (launchctl stands for Launch daemon Control)