DC Rackerby

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Posts posted by DC Rackerby

  1. 52 minutes ago, dannyg said:

    If you have been playing around with the mc2xml scripts with different attributes (e.g., you start out the the fairly standard -T attribute but want to switch to the -J JSON version to get season/episode data and two weeks of programs), be sure you delete the mc2xml.dat and xmltv.xml files in the scripts folder before running the new version. I had problems making the transition initially, but deleting those files did the trick. I then checked mc2xml.dat's contents and found that it stored the name of the numeric lineup I had selected when running the -J script manually the first time (so that it doesn't have to prompt you again for the lineup number, allowing you to automate running the script thereafter). 

    The mc2xml.dat file also stores your user/password (per the mc2xml web site).  So, after the initial run of mc2xml, you don't need to store user/password in any automation solution.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Ton said:

    Better then is to switch to TV-Mosaic. Nearly identical with the features of EyeTV but good and fast support.


    I'm not familiar with TV-Mosaic.  Does it have editing capabilities?  It would be nice to use something that's supported.

  3. 41 minutes ago, markl said:

    hmph. I keep getting missing user in -J

    Reminder .... : Unauthorized redistribution prohibited.

    Reminder .... : If this software is useful, please donate!

    Reading ..... : mc2xml.dat

    Missing user in -J

    Any ideas?

    Delete the "mc2xml.dat" file and try again.  Per the web site, that file stores your lineup selection (and user/password).

  4. 6 hours ago, Honza said:

    ...it took really long time? It took for me like 2-3 minutes before EyeTV communicated with me. There is, in my case, something like 50k or so records, so it takes forever. That is why I set the updates for 4am... 


    Note that the mc2xml program allows you to limit which channels are output in your xml file.  See the "General information" section of the web site.  In my case, I went from a ~72MB file to a 23MB file.

  5. 32 minutes ago, PhilSchilling said:

    othing yet.  I only changed 5 channels for testing but I get nothing in the guide. I have tried turning off the TV Guide service and I now have a screen that tells me to assign an EPG to my channels.  I have done so but still no schedule showing.  I have setup the schedulesdirect account and downloaded the xml file which shows the correct area when downloading.  I have Opened Eyetv with the xml file.  I have to be missing a step that no one has put in the walk throughs.  thanks

    It sounds to me like the downloaded lineup isn't matching the EyeTV lineup.  Take a look at the "xmltv.xml" file and see if the channels match.  Are you running mc2xml with -c and -g parameters or with the -T parameter?

  6. 14 minutes ago, jim301 said:

    When setting up a Schedules Direct account what did you check for the "Software you use" part of the Sign up form? And, how does one select the correct schedule for their TV service?


    I chose "Non-distributed: Personal research (XMLTV)" under "Software you use".

    Once you create an account, you create a lineup via the web site.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Phillie14586 said:

    DC Rakerby does this XMLTV data include New/Repeat, season and episode number information?

    I think EyeTV does some sort of logic to determine new/repeat (based on series and date; there's nothing in the raw data that says new or repeat).  For instance, today's Hell's Kitchen has this info: "<date>20190208</date>".  I don't see season/episode numbers.  Try the 7-day free Schedules Direct account and see if it'll work for you.

  8. WisconsinEric:  


    At a minimum, to use Schedules Direct you need a client.  EyeTV does not do this.  I'm using mc2xml (http://mc2xml.awardspace.info/).  That software is free, and will pull down an XMLTV file from Schedules Direct (using the -T flag).  You can then drag that xml file to the EyeTV icon.


    To make it a little nicer, I found a bash script (I named it getepg.sh) which will download your XMLTV file and load it into EyeTV:



    #Set the working directory

    cd /Users/<username>/scripts/

    # Check if we have internet connection
    ping -q -c 1 -t 5 google.com > /dev/null

    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # Get new schedule
    $MC2XML -T <user>:<pass> 

    # Reload EyeTV with the file
    open -a EyeTV $XMLTV

    Source: https://kcore.org/2009/01/07/using-xmltv-with-eyetv/

    Put mc2xml and getepg.sh in /Users/<username>/scripts/


    Finally,  to automate the running of the above script, I wrote a Launch Agent to run the script once a day (noon in this example):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">




    This goes in /Users/<username>/Library/LaunchAgents/

    I've been running this setup on a free Schedules Direct trial account for a few days, and so far, so good.