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Posts posted by fornadan

  1. Thank you Reinhard, and thank you for posting the English version! Viele dank!

    11 hours ago, Reinhard said:

    Only the detail display (the previous fine adjustment picture by picture) does not seem to work anymore. At the bottom left in the picture there are two small symbols (-) (+), but they have no noticeable effect - at least on my computer.


    This is the big disappointment for me, as it makes it hard to select the exact frame for In/Out points when editing because the missing timeline means you have to guess where to place the edit point and fine mode (-)(+) appears to be unavailable meaning arrow keys make big jumps; and prevents quickly verifying edits after compaction because you can't see where the edit was made because the In/Out triangles disappear after Compact-ing. I was hoping I was doing something wrong and the 4.0 manual would indicate the correct operation.


    The above was based on EyeTV 4.0.0 8524. Geniatech didn't inform me there was a new beta/rev, though they promised to. Anyway I downloaded the new version, and find that 8526 is really no better. They seem to be re-arranging the deck chairs while the ship sinks.

    I'm keeping 2 Macs in Mojave in order to use EyeTV 3 since I do a lot of trimming with it, though I'd love to move on to Big Sur. Looks like that'll remain the case for an unknown (long) amount of time.


    <rhetorical> How can the EyeTV software have gotten into such a mess?! After deciding to restore the original 32-bit editing UI due to the unusability of the original mutant 64-bit UI, they should have been able to just copy the original 32-bit source code and resources to the 64-bit project, build, and debug. As a long-time developer myself, I can't understand how they managed to mess this up so badly, unless the original code design was truly hideous, or when they moved to 64-bit they ran it through a meat grinder.

    It's been a long, long time since they started this fiasco. I shudder to think of the devastation if they decide to try to support the M1 and follow-on Apple silicon.



  2. On 6/18/2016 at 0:28 PM, Mark said:


         Restart manufacture of eyetv HD for US market.

         Manufacture an improved eyetv HD for US market that has an HDMI input interface


         Improve EyeTV 3 software by adding the ability to merge two clips

    HDMI would be nice but I think DMCA and lobbyist bribesXXXXXX contributions to Congress will make this infeasible in the US.

    Reliable capture at 1080p (currently max at 1080i or 720p AFAIK) would be a great upgrade; 4K not needed (by me). De-interlacing 1080i in Handbrake takes ~30% longer on my Core i7 iMac and I capture 95% of my stuff at 1080.

    Restarting EyeTV HD mfg would be very nice as mine is > 3years old and may be getting a bit flakey. When the current one goes, I'd buy a new one in a heartbeat.

    Joining clips would also be very useful for my needs.

  3. I also find the that Timeline appears at inopportune times over critical video info (often the copyright date of an old movie, for example).

    I also would like to see more control of when and under what circumstances it appears.

    As a workaround, I currently put the window into edit mode, forcing the scrubber and associated stuff below the picture. But of course more screen real estate is used this way (I have a 27" iMac with 27" second display, and even so, working on video and filing the Handbrake-d mp4s to NAS uses up all the real estate of both screens)