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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi, I opened a ticket regarding not working EyeTV for Mac (latest version) but support does not answer since weeks. How to get an answer?
  2. 1 point
  3. 0 points
    If you're not on Catalina, then stick to EyeTV 3, it's a mature product that works well. EyeTV 4, on the other hand, like the recent Presidential Debate, is a s**tshow. It behaves like an early beta, and the developers show no sign of any interest in making it better.
  4. 0 points
    Don't expect apple to get involved on a single software that it is not working. Maybe if Microsoft Word was not working they get involved but not with some piece of code poorly written by a company that we do not know if the exist anymore just give up. I have done it. Im still in Mojave and since apple gives security updates for two releases back i will stay here. I'm not using my MacMini , its from TV and KODI only. I have asked for alternatives here but nothing has come up, i'm still waiting for someone to point me on how to work with the Parallers software. Have no problem pay