Dear EyeTV community
In December 2021 and January 2022 due to ongoing crashes and quality issues in general I exchanged dozens of mails with Geniatech Europe and Geniatech Shenzen. On their request I sent them many screen shots and software error logs. And I made them aware of mistakes in their advertising in regards too EyeTV 4 for Macs (i.e. referring to Apple software that does not exist anymore, listing features that are not working in EyeTV 4 anymore and using outdated Apple terms).
The result was rather frustrating. A lot of mails but nearly no improvement in regards to the software.
Is it because of a low number of users? Certainly not as the the German director of Geniatech Europe (Mike Decker) wrote me that they have an user community with a two times seven digit number (means millions of users).
Fact is: Geniatech completely missed the long in advance announced transfer of the Apple world to a 64-bit OS, that already started in 2010. And in 2018, when Apple stopped to support the 32-bit apps, It took them 15 months to produce a kind of beta software that had a very limited feature set. Furthermore they used Covid-19 as an argument for not being able to deliver within an acceptable time frame. Even now, 4 years later, EyeTV macOS is far away of being a finalised product with all the promised features – features we were used to by using the old EyeTV 3, coded by Elgato.
And again they missed to make use of the developer version for the new macOS Ventura 13 that was available for months before the public launch. The result: After the update to macOS Ventura EyeTV 4 became unusable. Once more, we, the user community, feel frustrated and cheated by Geniatech.
In the US of A and most probably also in the EU such a behavior would qualify for a legal battle, as Geniatech never delivered the advertised feature set and still selling this software in an unfinished and now even crashing version. Beside the legal aspects simply it is a question of business ethics. It looks like thet totally unacceptable behavior of this company needs to be counteracted by the power of their customers.
As nobody at Geniatech cares in regards to the content of this forum, all of us should send a huge amount of complaining mails to the people concerned.
During my contacts with Geniatech Shenzen and Germany I collected the contact addresses listed below. Feel free to flood these mail addresses with your complaints. (Geniatech EyeTV Support Team) (Sales Director Geniatech headquarter Shenzen) (Geniatech Europe GmbH, EMEA HQ in Germany, Director is Mike Decker)