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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Dear EyeTV community In December 2021 and January 2022 due to ongoing crashes and quality issues in general I exchanged dozens of mails with Geniatech Europe and Geniatech Shenzen. On their request I sent them many screen shots and software error logs. And I made them aware of mistakes in their advertising in regards too EyeTV 4 for Macs (i.e. referring to Apple software that does not exist anymore, listing features that are not working in EyeTV 4 anymore and using outdated Apple terms). The result was rather frustrating. A lot of mails but nearly no improvement in regards to the software. Is it because of a low number of users? Certainly not as the the German director of Geniatech Europe (Mike Decker) wrote me that they have an user community with a two times seven digit number (means millions of users). Fact is: Geniatech completely missed the long in advance announced transfer of the Apple world to a 64-bit OS, that already started in 2010. And in 2018, when Apple stopped to support the 32-bit apps, It took them 15 months to produce a kind of beta software that had a very limited feature set. Furthermore they used Covid-19 as an argument for not being able to deliver within an acceptable time frame. Even now, 4 years later, EyeTV macOS is far away of being a finalised product with all the promised features – features we were used to by using the old EyeTV 3, coded by Elgato. And again they missed to make use of the developer version for the new macOS Ventura 13 that was available for months before the public launch. The result: After the update to macOS Ventura EyeTV 4 became unusable. Once more, we, the user community, feel frustrated and cheated by Geniatech. In the US of A and most probably also in the EU such a behavior would qualify for a legal battle, as Geniatech never delivered the advertised feature set and still selling this software in an unfinished and now even crashing version. Beside the legal aspects simply it is a question of business ethics. It looks like thet totally unacceptable behavior of this company needs to be counteracted by the power of their customers. As nobody at Geniatech cares in regards to the content of this forum, all of us should send a huge amount of complaining mails to the people concerned. During my contacts with Geniatech Shenzen and Germany I collected the contact addresses listed below. Feel free to flood these mail addresses with your complaints. kelly.li@geniatech.com (Geniatech EyeTV Support Team) abbey@geniatech.com (Sales Director Geniatech headquarter Shenzen) cpf@geniatech.com dgg@geniatech.com sales@geniatech.com suggestion@geniatech.com GTESales@geniatech.com (Geniatech Europe GmbH, EMEA HQ in Germany, Director is Mike Decker)
  2. 1 point
    Hi all! Be aware: For a few days the version 8528 already popped up in the Geniatech download section a few months ago. It was the result of other EyeTV issues I discussed with Geniatech and it had nothing to do with the upcoming macOS Ventura. Unfortunately, this 8528 incorporated new troubles, for instance it didn' stream audio to the EyeTV iOS app anymore. After my feedback it has been removed from the download section. I assume that this hidden 8528 release on the Geniatech download server is still the old one, not containing any fix in regards to the Ventura issues. Just be careful. As long as there is no official communication by Geniatech, I recommend not to download from unknown sources. Once more it becomes obvious that Geniatech is unable or not willing to take care of EyeTV 4 for the Mac OS. As I already wrote in a former post: Mail your complaints to all this staff listed below. We, the customers of EyeTV 4 macOS, deserve a much better service. And it is time to let them know that we strongly disagree with the chaotic way they handle all the issues. They have to become aware: If they do not act, their behavior will result in a reputation risk for the company. kelly.li@geniatech.com (Geniatech EyeTV Support Team) abbey@geniatech.com (Sales Director Geniatech headquarter Shenzen) cpf@geniatech.com dgg@geniatech.com sales@geniatech.com suggestion@geniatech.com GTESales@geniatech.com (Geniatech Europe GmbH, EMEA HQ in Germany, Director is Mike Decker)
  3. 1 point
    Hi Il Gatto, well I just tried to install the updated 8528 onto my Mac mini M1 server. Before updating to Ventura the version 8527 was more or less running stable (except of all the missing features we are waiting for since ages). Of course, I used the EyeTV reporter for a proper removing before installing the 8528. Initially, the channel search worked but after finishing the channel scan the app crashed. Tried several restarts without any success. It reminds me on a former experience with the 8528 that has been published after my feedback some months ago. It killed the audio part when streaming to the iOS app and has been removed from the download site shortly afterwards. Conclusion: lack of knowledge and experience in regards to Apple coding, quick and dirty fixes, no systematic quality control, no professional product management and communication and most important: lack of business ethics. The Geniatech management is fully aware of the problems but they prefer to sell a software that is simply not ready for the market. With all due respect to your defence of this company, what Geniatech is doing is beyond what is legally acceptable. And I have long been surprised that no one has taken legal action against this company. As I wrote in an earlier post: We should all flood Geniatech's mail addresses with our complaints. By the way: I already sent them a support request. Up to now, I got no response. What a surprise!
  4. 1 point
    Hi Il Gato! Txs for the info. Another user already published a link to an external and uncontrolled download server for this version. However, in my opinion it is more than strange that Geniatech doesn't publish the Ventura version on this site here. Not even an official statement – very fishy... Best regards, Roland
  5. 1 point
    As a long time user of Eyetv in the past I've been frustrated with the Software too! First, I don't want to produce electronic garbage (2x Eyetv Netstream SAT receiver) because of non-functional software and second I've updated a month ago to Eyetv4 which is not working any more with mac os Ventura and payed 30€ for that ( and also the ios app isn't working for a long time any more ) ! This is ...
  6. 1 point
    Please make EyeTV open source and available on GitHub.