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About PhilSchilling

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  1. Honza, Thanks, yep I followed the instructions, so I did the open -a EyeTV app as was in the walkthrough. The first open took about 2 minutes. Appreciate the help. Phil
  2. I am running the mc2xml with the -T. The lineup is set at I tryed the -J with -c and -g and just got a missing user error. The channels appear to match in the xml file. Do I need to change anything in the EyeTV program besides the EPG provider for the channels? thanks Phil
  3. Honza, thanks I have done that. I have waited about half and hour and I have nothing yet. I only changed 5 channels for testing but I get nothing in the guide. I have tried turning off the TV Guide service and I now have a screen that tells me to assign an EPG to my channels. I have done so but still no schedule showing. I have setup the schedulesdirect account and downloaded the xml file which shows the correct area when downloading. I have Opened Eyetv with the xml file. I have to be missing a step that no one has put in the walk throughs. thanks Phil
  4. Thank you to all for putting together the walkthrough. I seem to be missing something. I have followed the directions in previous posts but my Program Guide is still showing the message "This program guide has no data to display". Do I need to somehow switch the guide service somewhere? It is still on TV Guide. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Phil