Odd overlay appears if mouse cursor is over video
I'm using EyeTV on my second computer, a 2020 iMac with Monterey and EyeTV 4.0.0_8532 and a classic EyeTV HD. EyeTV worked great on various Macs I have had since 4.0 came out.
Today a new semi-transparent overlay on the left side of the screen appeared. It shows the 3 video inputs available - Composite, S-Video and Component with numbers 1, 10 and 100 to left of the words.
I'm using Component and its highlighted in blue on the overlay.
I have never seen this overlay before. I usually choose Component from the Controls menu.
But this new overlay appears on screen whenever I move my mouse and won't go away until I move the mouse outside the video window - no matter what the screen size is (I normally use Full Screen) OR after 3 seconds of not moving the mouse. It also appears if I use a keyboard key to jump forward or backward.
It's distracting and I can't find a way to turn it off.
I probably inadvertently pressed some key combo that turned it on.
Anyone run into this?
EyeTV user since 1.0