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4C works in Finland?

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Sorry to come to this so late but the short answer is: yes.

Officially, 4C is "supported only in Germany blah-blah" but this is just the typical corporate talk i.e. you're on your own without official support. 4C works much the same as the older EyeTV 610 box - only in LAN with multiple tuners and lacking the CI-adapter slot. Both boxes (probably the Hybrid USB stick is no different) can be used simultaneously totalling to 5 tuners (yes, there used to be an issue that 4C used only 2 tuners with EyeTV3 but as I understand it this has been nowadays resolved) and in this case the 610 is the "main tuner" when pressing ON/OFF on the remote (if pressing channel numbers on the remote to open the Live TV window the tuner is chosen randomly - you can see the signal origin on the Live TV window title if not in fullscreen).

etv-comskip works quite well, just need to make sure the build matches the MacOS -version and tweak the comskip.ini in Library/Application Support/ETVComskip for one's taste and better results.

With the excellent tutorial in the other thread, 4C can also be used probably with any system where Kodi is supported with TVHeadend e.g. as Kodi add-ons for server and PVR client.

From the top of my head the only real complaint I can think of is the heating issue of 4C - it gets quite warm (almost burns to touch). So the box needs to have enough space around it to let the air flow properly. I don't know if it's related but occasionally the 4C may stop working (not even the webserver is responding) and needs to be rebooted with the flick of the power switch and EyeTV3 also needs to be restarted after this to find the tuners again. This isn't anything too regular and most of the time "everything just works" but YMMV. 

Edited by tmi

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