
EyeTV 3 (3.6.9 - 7528) - Problems with exporting and PowerSave

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running on macOS Mojave version 10.14.6 on a Mac Pro

Entered pmset -g assertions and got:

with one receiver and one open TV-Window:
pid 168(coreaudiod): [0x0000bff300018f00] 00:05:53 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "com.apple.audio.AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,4:1.context.preventuseridlesleep" Created for PID: 96509.
pid 96509(EyeTV): [0x0000bff300018f0c] 00:05:53 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Playing back in window..."
pid 96509(EyeTV): [0x0000bff100018f0a] 00:05:55 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Exporting..."

with two receivers and one open TV-Window:
pid 168(coreaudiod): [0x0000c59600018f00] 00:00:10 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "com.apple.audio.AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,4:1.context.preventuseridlesleep" Created for PID: 96509.
pid 96509(EyeTV): [0x0000c59600018fc5] 00:00:10 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Playing back in window..."
pid 96509(EyeTV): [0x0000c3d700018fa9] 00:07:37 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Exporting..."
pid 96509(EyeTV): [0x0000bff100018f0a] 00:24:15 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Exporting..."

with two receivers and no open TV-Window
pid 96509(EyeTV): [0x0000c3d700018fa9] 00:10:59 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Exporting..."
pid 96509(EyeTV): [0x0000bff100018f0a] 00:27:38 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Exporting..."

Whats the result?

eyeTV is always exporting -> the Computer never sleeps
every receiver is exporting -> so there will be no additional recording-time before and after the movie
the Monitor will go to sleep while looking TV

so after switching back to version 3.6.9 - 7524
with two receivers and one open TV-Window:
pid 168(coreaudiod): [0x0000c84e00018ffa] 00:00:06 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "com.apple.audio.AppleHDAEngineOutput:1B,0,1,4:1.context.preventuseridlesleep" Created for PID: 930.
pid 930(EyeTV): [0x0000c84e00019014] 00:00:06 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "EyeTV: Playing back in window..."

with two receivers and no open TV-Window:
there is no entry left 

-- after closing the TV-Window you have to wait 1 minute! 

Whats the result wit this version:

I can record two Recordings at the same time - each with additional recording-time before and after the recording
The Monitor will go to sleep while looking TV
   - but this is fixable with a little scripts which checks every minute and if there is a a entry with "EyeTV: Playing back in window..." then call caffeinate -d -t 60

My Questions:

Anyone with similar Problems?


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Hi KlausAUT

yes - similar issue. I am also back on version 3.6.9 - 7524 running on latest macOS Mojave (Mac mini)

But in addition I have the following problem: I want to record two movies at different times. Say one is from 7-8 o'clock, the second one is from 10-11 o'clock.

Movie 1 is getting recorded, Movie 2 only a few seconds are recorded.

Energy Savings are effective, Mac goes to sleep, wakes up for recording one, goes to sleep again. Mac wakes up for recording two, records a few seconds and stops. After a couple of minutes Mac goes to sleep.

If I disable Energy Saving - recording takes place as intended. Very strange 😞 

Edited by Oliver
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Hi Oliver

To me this looks as its always the same problem...

eyeTV doesn't set the right Assertions.

I use geek tools (free Tool - you can google for it) to run every 30 sec a small Applescript.

it includes something like:

      set ret to (do shell script "pmset -g assertions | egrep '(EyeTV)(.*)PreventUserIdleSystemSleep(.*)\\\"EyeTV:(.*)'")         
      -- wenn keine assertion dann gehts bei on error weiter ....   
      if ret contains "Recording in progress" then
         -- don't sleep in the next 35 secs!
         do shell script "caffeinate -i -t 35 > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
      end if
      if ret contains "Exporting" then
          -- don't sleep in the next 35 secs!
          do shell script "caffeinate -i -t 35 > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
      end if
      if ret contains "Playing back in window" then  
         -- Display don't sleep in the next 35 secs!
         do shell script "caffeinate -m -t 35 > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
      end if
    on error
         -- do nothing...
    end try

Another maybe better and easier way:

Add a Applescript with Name RecordingStarted.scpt to Library/Application Support/EyeTV/Scripts/TriggeredScripts 
which stays aktive as long as EyeTV is recording and calls every 30 secs
do shell script "caffeinate -i -t 35 > /dev/null 2>&1 &"


Edited by klausAUT

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