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About Lothar

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  1. Frustrating surprise today: eyeTV EPG failed to connect to server for updates. And I can confirm, that the option that the option to buy an EPG subscription in the Geniatech shop is gone. I have a valid subscription until october 25, but it seems to be lost. Has anybody an idea for another EPG running on Mac?
  2. Hallo, ich nutze EyeTV mit Netstream 4sat an meinem Mac und verwende den EGP von Gracenote. Seit einigen Tagen entstehen in der Programmübersicht weiße Felder ohne Information. Auch ein manuell durchgeführter Update bringt keine Änderung. Hat jemand eine Lösung? Danke! Lothar
  3. Hi, I prgrammed a recording by klicking the buttom in the field of the video in the EPG overview. As soon as this buttom turns to red, the recording is programmed according to the given start and end time. I changed the set up for recording, asking to start 5 mins. before and continue 10 mins. more. This worked excellent over the last 2 years. Since some weeks - apparently since I updated the SW to 3.6.9. (7552), it happens sometimes - not for all recordings - that the recording started, but did not stop after the prgrammed 30 mins, but continuous several hours. What is wrong? I did not change the end-time. Thanks, Lothar
  4. Hi, I use eyetv with Netstream 4SAT on my Mac to record TV. I select the program via EPG from Gracenote and program the recording. Sometimes I miss a episode of a season, which I could perhaps find in a mediathek through eyetv Plus. If I start this episode for viewing, can I record it with the eyetv-SW to make a season completed on my Mac? Thanks! Lothar