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About maxbnd

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  1. I updated the operating system with Ventura but the eye4 8527 program was not working. So I found on your forum a file modified by you that shared a user of yours to fix the problem. Now I downloaded this version 8528 and it works on ventura but the programmed registration does not work! The registration starts but does not end. For example, I programmed from 20 to 23 but at 24 it continued uninterruptedly recording until I pressed the stop button
  2. I downloaded this version and it works on ventura. Scheduled enrolment is not working! The registration starts but does not end. For example, I programmed from 20 to 23 but at 24 it continued uninterruptedly recording until I pressed the stop button
  3. Come faccio a togliere questo dal mio programma? Il quadratino è oscurato e non posso deselezionarlo…..