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Gnyffe last won the day on January 10 2023

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About Gnyffe

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  1. When was 8531 released ?
  2. Great to hear. 😃
  3. MacOS 14 Anyone tried EyeTV on MacOS 14 (Sonoma) ? I sure hope that it will work.
  4. It works for me, but a fix would be nice.
  5. I have the same issue on my iMac 2020 (Intel) but not on my Mac Book Air (M1). 😕
  6. Really hope that there will be an update to EyeTV to fix this issue. 😬
  7. Now anyone can read the text, at last. 👍
  8. Gnyffe

    MacOS 12

    EyeTV crashes when opening it, will there be an update ??
  9. Why is this not created ??
  10. Gnyffe

    EyeTV 4 crash

    When enabling 'Looking for shared EyeTV archives' EyeTV crashes. 😩 EyeTV 8517 MacOS 10.15.2 pls. fix it !!!
  11. Gnyffe

    64 Bit support

    Fantastic, EyeTV 4 is coming, it has been awaited for several years, but late is better than never. 🤓
  12. EyeTV for Mac is dead, there will be no more development as we never har developed EyeTV since the overtake from Legato. Sorry but's that the facts. Today all stream TV series.
  13. Gnyffe

    64 Bit support

    I'm using a Mini as TV recorder using ScreenShare to acces it. It's hidden away. Running MacOS 10.12.6. You can use IINA to view the EyeTV recordings. It just works as a charme. And it's 64 bit. 😁