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  1. Didn't quite make the edit time limit... In addition to installing 10.14/Mojave as a virtual OS, you can install macOS 10.6/Snow Leopard Server, and all client macOSes since 10.7/Lion. I discovered this almost fifteen years ago, when setting up a Wintel laptop with VirtualBox: I discovered that 10.6 Server was an installation option in VirtualBox's VM setup pulldown menu. I tried to install 10.6 on the Wintel machine several times without success; it worked when I installed the middleware on a Mac, and then attempted to install 10.6 using VirtualBox's VM install system. Apparently, the VirtualBox user interface is the same on all platforms, which makes sense for an Open Source application. I haven't tried this same stunt with Parallels or VMWare Fusion, but I'm guessing it will work the same way. Odds are, the user interface on the commercial applications includes OSX options when the base operating system is macOS (or the hardware is Apple hardware; there has to be some sort of platform sniffing when the middleware is installed), but the Windows/Linux versions leave macOS VM options out.
  2. macOS 10.14/Mojave can be installed as a virtualized OS on newer macOSes using middleware such as Parallels (annual subscription), VMWare Fusion (free personal license available) or Oracle's VM VirtualBox (Open Source - free). I haven't tried setting up a 64-bit macOS + virtual machine + macOS Mojave environment + EyeTV 3.6.9 combination yet due to lack of boot drive space, but it sounds like an area worth exploring. Parallels: https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/ VMWare Fusion: https://www.vmware.com/products/fusion.html Oracle VM VirtualBox: https://www.oracle.com/virtualization/technologies/vm/downloads/virtualbox-downloads.html
  3. HDHomeRun is a networked TV tuner (Ethernet connection for the Mac-compatible models; I think there may be a Windows-compatible model with WiFi built in) from the SiliconDust company near me in Livermore, California (the east side of San Francisco Bay): https://www.silicondust.com They have sites for the Canadian, UK, European, Australian, New Zealand and Brazilian markets, so presumably they have tuners available that will work with the broadcast systems in those countries. The tuners will connect to a cable/satellite feed or an over-the-air antenna. They encode the video feed and send an MPEG feed to a computer/handheld device through the LAN. I find that you need fairly fast WiFi (802.11ac minimum, 802.11ax is better) in order to transfer the video stream well; I normally watch on a laptop attached to the tuner through gigabit Ethernet. ElGato used to sell a bundle that included two EyeTV 3 licenses and an HDHomeRun HDHR-3 tuner, shortly before ElGato sold EyeTV off to Geniatech. EyeTV compatibility with some HDHR tuners was maintained through most of the late builds of EyeTV 3.6.9, with the conspicuous exception of Build (7524). With the pre-release betas of EyeTV 4, compatibility flipped back and forth through the build process. I was especially thrilled to discover that a late beta of 4 supported all four built-in tuners in my HDHomeRun Quatro, as EyeTV 3 will only recognize two of the tuners. But the final release of 4 eliminated HDHomeRun support altogether 😖 I complained long and loud, and got the usual Geniatech disclaimer: "We may consider this at some (unspecified) time in the future". In an attempt to get it working, I dug into the package of a late version of 3.6.9, copied out the HDHomeRun driver, copied into the analogous location in the 4 package and edited the .plist. Didn't work. Eventually, somewhere around EyeTV 4.0.0 (8514), HDHomeRun snuck back in. But now it only recognizes two of the four built-in tuners. Geniatech giveth, and Geniatech taketh away. HDHomeRun makes its own Mac-compatible software, but the interface is clumsy; the programming information appears in the main window, so it crowds what you're trying to watch. Their DVR function is a paid subscription service that stores the recordings on a server - not the sort of thing EyeTV users particularly like. I've got about 8TB of EyeTV recordings stored on hard drives, waiting for the time I finally get around to trimming them and exporting them as Quicktime or whatever. One upside to a network tuner independent of a media server is that you can access the TV feed with an iOS device using the Channels app. Typically, if I'm in my bedroom trying to watch something, I'll use Channels on an iPad instead of EyeTV on a laptop; Channels uses a downscaled feed that works better with WiFi.
  4. Some more details would be informative. 1) Where are you located? I was turning my listing service back from ATSC/OpenCable to TVGuide (EyeTV3)/EyeTV Premium EPG NA (EyeTV 4) every few weeks from early September 2022 when the service went out to December 2022 when my EyeTV EPG subscription expired, and I never got a response from the North American server at all. (no credit from Geniatech for prepaid services NOT rendered has been offered, either) Every country has a different listing service; it's possible that Geniatech is paying some of them, but not all. Perhaps they're paying the service in your country? 2) Is it still working, 3+ months later? Has it worked consistently throughout the intervening time?
  5. I note the last paragraph in their ridiculous excuse: This compensation is something I've now argued for several times since this current outage began. If this is Geniatech's policy for addressing prolonged failures of their service for which we paid in advance, why don't they communicate this offer to their entire affected customer base (which is all of us), either by posting an announcement to this forum (which they control), or by sending an announcement by email to their entire list of current subscribers (which they do whenever they want us to buy something)? Why do we have to individually complain in order to get a remedy for having our pockets picked?
  6. You'd think so, wouldn't you? I got a Quatro several years ago, as my 2-tuner HDHR Connect started acting funny. During the very long EyeTV 4 beta phase, several generations of the beta didn't support HD HomeRun tuners at all; when we HDHR-using testers complained, we were told "we are deprecating tuners without many users", and we beta participants screamed. One of the last betas finally restored HDHR functionality, and I discovered that the late beta enabled all four tuners in my Quatro, although EyeTV 3 would only recognize two. The on again-off again support for HDHR (which, let's remember, EyeTV used to sell as a bundle with its software) persisted through several builds of the release version of EyeTV 4; one build supports the tuner, and the next one drops support :-( But I don't remember any release build of EyeTV 4 that supports all four of the Quatro's tuners. Yet another infuriating and arbitrary choice made by Geniatech, who don't seem to be making any effort to keep EyeTV functional at all. The North American EPG has been out for months; not only is there no notice of whether subscribers will be credited for the time when a basic function is out of service, there's been no general notice that Geniatech's even trying to fix the problem.
  7. In the daily update of my US EPG listings yesterday, all my program information vanished. Further update attempts have not filled in any new information. I have cleared the EPG database several times without improvement; when that failed, I re-ran the setup assistant, also without improvement. As of now, I can see the title of the current program in the frontmost window - but only in EyeTV 3.6.9; EyeTV 4 does not provide that information. The program guide has no program listings whatsoever. I can still schedule recordings, but only by inputting all the information by hand. Is this a general EPG outage, or a US-specific EPG outage, or a US over-the-air EPG outage? Or is this just me? The veterans here may recall that all EPG listings vanished a few years ago, and were gone for over six months (even though Geniatech continued to sell EPG subscriptions, effectively accepting payment for a service they were not providing). Does anyone know whether this is what's happening now? If this isn't resolved in the next few days, I think that's the end of my days with EyeTV, after 16 years, seven tuners and twelve licenses. I can't keep pouring money and energy into an application that the developer won't make any visible effort to maintain or support. 😞 Software: EyeTV 3.6.9 (7530), EyeTV 4.0.0 (8526) macOS 10.14.6 Mojave EPG license current until November 2022 Hardware: 2015 13" MacBook Pro Retina i7/1TB SSD/16GB HDHomeRun Quatro (Ethernet connection)
  8. When I finally resigned myself to resubscribing last November (after gritting my teeth about the utterly terrible maintenance; the EPG guide stopped updating yesterday - AGAIN), I found that it is no longer possible to renew your subscription from EyeTV 3 - you have to do it from an installation of EyeTV 4, although both versions will use the same EPG. I installed Mojave, which allows me to run both EyeTV3 and EyeTV 4; I do the troubleshooting from 4, and then do all my viewing/editing from the lighter-weight 3, which is much easier to use. Of course, at the moment, I have no program information at all; if the last outage (which lasted for months) is repeated, I may bail on the application altogether and just use HDHomeRun's native app that supports my hardware tuners. I don't like it much, but a TV app you can't use to schedule recordings without referring to an independent program source is a TV app that isn't worth paying for.
  9. I was disappointed enough with the EyeTV 4 betatest cycle that I stayed on EyeTV 3 - easy to do, as my EyeTV computer was limited to High Sierra. After the long no-program-info debacle was finally resolved (sort of) last year, I transitioned to a newer computer with Mojave. I finally broke down and paid for an EyeTV 4 license six months ago, largely because it would provide program scheduling information that was less frustrating to use than OpenATSC. Surprise, surprise! While the EyeTV 4 license + login provided program information to both v.3 and v.4, the scheduling license was only good for one month. After which, they want another 30 euro for...what? What's the time period? They don't say. As of my check right now, there is no option on the Geniatech.us site to purchase an EyeTV 4 license at all, much less an extended license for program information. There is an over-the-air USB dongle with a license for EyeTV 3, and that's it. It's very difficult to invest energy in keeping an application running, when the people who own and presumably profit from that application don't seem interested in even preserving the features that used to work.
  10. Because the signs suggest that Geniatech does not consider EyeTV to be an active product. There's little sign from them that they're trying to improve or optimize it, and they never talk to the user base. It makes you wonder why they bought the application from ElGato, if they didn't intend to do anything useful with it. If nothing's changed since the 4.0 beta development stage (and I'm betting nothing has changed), Geniatech doesn't actually have in-house programmers working on EyeTV. My understanding is that they hired a couple of contractors to do all the work, and they know little of the 15-year history of the application. Which is why: 1) The interface changed radically, forcing the existing user base to relearn basic functions 2) Many of those basic functions (export, program information) were broken or crippled, compared to EyeTV 3 Better export in Version 4 would be welcome, but I see no sign that we'll get it. Since EyeTV 3 and 4 can use the same file archive, I am sticking on Mojave for now, where I can use EyeTV 3 for export, even if I record in EyeTV 4.
  11. True, but that's unacceptable in the same way that using a third-party program info app (TVGuide, TitanTV) to fill in all the program information stripped out in the 4.0 release was. If an application is advertised as an all-in-one TV viewing application (one that you've committed to by paying once for the application and once for a dedicated hardware tuner), then it should damned well work the way it's advertised. For example: If you were to use the trick of recording files in EyeTV 4.x and then edit in EyeTV 3.x, you'd have to either: 1) leave your computer on macOS 10.14/Mojave; 2) maintain a separate boot drive with macOS 10.14 or less, and reboot from that drive to use EyeTV 3; 3) maintain a dedicated Mojave computer and network the .eyetv files recorded in EyeTV 4 over for editing/conversion in EyeTV 3. That's a lot of excess burden imposed on customers who paid Geniatech money to at least maintain the elegant solution we had ten years ago, which they have utterly failed to do. The fact that Geniatech assumes that this level of performance is acceptable is a real insult to us. Unfortunately, they show no signs of improving their behavior.
  12. EyeTV 3.6.9 works with these setups: MacBook Air 2012/i5/4GB RAM, Mojave 10.14.6, EyeTV 3.6.9 (7520 and 7528), HDHomeRun Connect v.1
  13. Update: Apparently, whatever stupid content management system they're using imposes a current date in the filename, even if there's no file to match that date. The same URL with a change to "20190729" generates a downloaded installer. But why should an end user have to figure this nonsense out? http://file.geniatech.com/eyetv3/EyeTV3.6.9(7528)20190730.dmg http://file.geniatech.com/eyetv3/EyeTV3.6.9%287528%2920190729.dmg Oh, and BTW: I despise the fact that your Forum content management system won't permit me to de-bold text copied from a URL, once the system has force-bolded it. I'll bold/de-bold what I want, thank you very much.
  14. As of 20:16 PDT on 30.07.2019, the download for (7528) is a dead link. I was about to attempt this install, since it allegedly restores support for HDHomeRun hardware abandoned after Build (7520), and I've found OpenCable schedules an absolute nightmare to use. But it's gotten very hard to trust the competence or veracity of Geniatech, given the way they've behaved towards US and Mac users over the last several years. You'd think ElGato would have told Geniatech that the business was built on our backs... http://file.geniatech.com/eyetv3/EyeTV3.6.9(7528)20190730.dmg
  15. On the HDHomeRun point: I dug into the (7520) release a while back* and found an assortment of HDHR firmware and device icons. I copied the HDHR resources out, zipped the existing (7520) application, installed Build (7524), and drag-copied the HDHR resources from the older build into the relevant locations. Didn't work; the (7524) build didn't give me any option to select the HDHR. I suspect there are a few .plists in the older build where the SiliconDust hardware is listed as menu options, but I'm already a little out of my depth; I'm not clear how to edit the corresponding .plists in the newer builds to add HDHR as a signal source. Assuming that trick would work, which I also don't know. * Right-click/control-click on EyeTV application icon>Show Package Contents; copy Contents>Resources>Firmware>HDHomeRun and HDHR-relevant icons from Contents>Resources>Device Pictures onto Desktop; transfer to new version of application