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About OldGoat

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  • Birthday 08/25/1945

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  1. Sorry, should have said probably best to reboot system after installing coreutils.
  2. Stuart, Thanks a bunch. Tvheadend was doing my head in. Kind of got it half working but certainly not to the level of EyeTV in spite of all its faults. Couple of issues I found, I selected and pasted "/opt/local/bin/tv_grab _uk_tvguide --configure" but eventually discovered that it contained a control code <feff>. Back delete to correct a typo? Also in your script "~/.xmltv/xmltv_refresh.sh" it starts with "!/bin/bash", believe it should be "#!/bin/bash" You were correct re having to go through 1000ish entries to get the 20 or 30 you wanted but I found you could repeat the process to get ones you missed as long as you carried on to the end, it didn't delete previous configuration. Screenshot attached For your info, I'm running this on a 2018 Mac mini with Monterey 12.4 and EyeTV4. Would love to get a hold of the EyeTV3 code and see about converting it to 64 bit which is what Geniatech should have done in the first place. 4 is rubbish compared to 3. Thanks again! Now have this running in launchd under user agents to run at 05:00 & 17:00. xmltv.plist file goes in directory ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ and xmltv_refresh.sh goes in ~/.xmltv I've added some lines to tidy up stderr & stdout files. You will need to install coreutils to use this as xmltv_refresh.sh contains the command gdate which is not a OSX native command. The command sudo port install coreutils since you've already installed . I already have it installed via Homebrew. xmltv_refresh.sh xmltv.plist
  3. Stuart, Thanks a bunch. Tvheadend was doing my head in. Kind of got it half working but certainly not to the level of EyeTV in spite of all its faults. Couple of issues I found, I selected and pasted "/opt/local/bin/tv_grab _uk_tvguide --configure" but eventually discovered that it contained a control code <feff>. Back delete to correct a typo? Also in your script "~/.xmltv/xmltv_refresh.sh" it starts with "!/bin/bash", believe it should be "#!/bin/bash" You were correct re having to go through 1000ish entries to get the 20 or 30 you wanted but I found you could repeat the process to get ones you missed as long as you carried on to the end, it didn't delete previous configuration. Screenshot attached For your info, I'm running this on a 2018 Mac mini with Monterey 12.4 and EyeTV4. Would love to get a hold of the EyeTV3 code and see about converting it to 64 bit which is what Geniatech should have done in the first place. 4 is rubbish compared to 3. Thanks again!
  4. Still no joy as of this date. Ran Wireshark to check connections on update request ip traffic and no connection to made to Gracenote (https://webapi-net.glb.gracenote.com/) during update attempt. No idea why 3 separate websites needed to update. Have logged 2 separate incidents with Geniatech with no response. Guess that's what happens when a Chinese company goes south. If anyone wants a copy of the Wireshark info, let me know and I'll put it up with a Dropbox link. Trying to get TVheadend working on a Synology DS220 NAS. Not for the faint of heart. Think you need to be a Sat TV engineer and unix guru rolled into one. Will update if successful. Probably about 20 attempts so far
  5. Should say they did sort this out. Better late than never
  6. I have 3 computers and previously I could purchase 1 license and install it for all of them. Now, after installing on 1 computer, I get the message shown below. Is this a start of another ripoff?
  7. I've rolled back to Mojave and running latest EyeTV 3 (7528).
  8. Bug is definitely in the EyeTV 4 software. Doen't occur after going back to EyeTV 3.
  9. I have the exact same problem among others. I've rolled back to Mojave and use EyeTV 3. Don't expect Geniatech to sort problems out for a long time. They're most likely in it for an easy buck.
  10. Have you tried using EyeTV Reporter 4 to completely uninstall, reboot, do a new install and reboot again? ( Download from https://saturn.geniatech.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/EyeTV-Reporter.dmg_.zip Shows Ver 1.87 in Finder)
  11. Think you need to contact Geniatech Support. This forum is answered by other users which can solve some problems which are mostly due to "A Short Between the Ears". Yours looks to be a bit more esoteric as I think most of us are stuck in 2 channel worlds.
  12. Click on "Mikyesun replied to a topic"
  13. I'm beginning to think Giniatech is going to dump these systems when Catalina comes out. I don't think they're doing anything to update to 64 bit. They're just milking a dying cow.
  14. OldGoat

    64 Bit support

    I'm beginning to think Giniatech is going to dump these systems when Catalina comes out. I don't think they're doing anything to update to 64 bit. They're just milking a dying cow.