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  1. 6 points
    Having purchased EyeTV 4 (8521) for macOS Catalina, there have been issues, some documented in the support forum here. I have allowed time since purchase for updates to be issued, which they have and all in all EyeTV 4 is an unmitigated disaster. Exporting is useless. Video stuttering Exiting Full Screen takes at least 2 attempts before it exits. Spinning beachballs galore. It is an unqualified mess. EyeTV 3 and earlier, allowed you to export in whatever format you wanted and guess what? IT WORKED EyeTV 4 exports a file which is unreadable by any player I have tried. EyeTV 4 is a pile of useless junk and a complete waste of money. It's as if Geniatech had absolutely no Mac software experience, but they did with EyeTV 3 DO NOT BUY.
  2. 6 points
    So to get recording to work using TitanTV, does one do this by choosing what you want to record on their website and using the remote scheduling feature in preferences? I guess I'll give this a try for now. I was planning on moving to another solution after my TV Guide subscription expired in June (mainly because of the out of stock notice on the product page and what seems to be an intentional kill off of Eye TV for the Mac). Now that recordings cannot be setup using the TV Guide service, it looks like I'll need to switch now. It really is a shame because under Elgato's ownership, EyeTV had great brand recognition and a really easy to use PVR / TV solution. I'd been a happy customer for well over 10 years.
  3. 4 points
    Really. Do you care about customers at all? Initially the excuse was "engineers need time"... so.. it's been 90 days and they STILL haven't addressed the issue. Really? Come on. Get your act together.
  4. 4 points
    DC Rackerby: Thanks for the tutorial on xmldv. I set it up and got it working right now. I live in the metro St. Louis area. A few pointers to those who are trying to do this as well. Step 1: set go to schedulesdirect.org and and click on the "Sign Up" tab to create an account. It sets you up with a free 7 day trial account. I haven't upgraded to the $6 2-month or $25 yearly account yet. Step 2: You'll get an e-mail with an activation code. Copy and paste it into the schedules direct web page. Step 3: on the "SD-DD Subscribed Lineups: Add a new lineup Report Lineup Problems " line click "Add a new lineup" and select the appropriate channel service you need. I have an HD Antenna which picks up 54 stations in the St. Louis area. Step 4: go to the http://mc2xml.awardspace.info to download mc2xml. Scroll down about a page and click on the download. since we are on Mac's choose the third column for OS X (x86) Step 5: create a folder "scripts" in your home folder (i.e. /Users/username - for me it is /Users/weber). You can go to the menu bar at the top of the screen and click on "Go" and navigate down to "Home" then right click on the Home folder and add a "New Folder" and name it scripts. Step 6: move mc2xml from your downloads folder to the scripts folder Step 7: open "Terminal" from your "Utilities" folder which is inside your "Applications" folder. type "cd ./scripts" to navigate to the scripts folder. Then type "chmod 755 mc2xml" so that mc2xml is recognized as an executable. Step 8: still in the Terminal window, type in ."/mc2xml -T sdusername:sdpassword" where username and password are what you choose for schedules direct in step 1. It will take a minute or so to process and will create a mc2xml.dat and xmldv.xml file and place them in your "scripts" folder. Step 9: still in the terminal window, type in "open -a EyeTV /Users/username/scripts/xmltv.xml". be sure to change username to your actual username. for me it is weber as you can see in top 5. Step 10: Go to EyeTV (which should be open). Click on "Channels" the third tab under Library on the left. Then for each channel click on the EPG tab and change it to xmldv. It will ask you to assign a channel and give you the list to choose from. This corresponds with the "lineup" you hopefully correctly choose in Step 3. Note, I tried setting each channel to xmldv before Step 9 and I got a blank list. So step 9 has to come first. Step 11: Once done for each channel you can go to the EyeTV "Program Guide" and see that it is filled in including titles for each episode and colors to indicate type of program - as we were used to with EPG TV Guide. Step 12: Open "TextEdit" and copy in the getup.sh procedure (listed again below). Remember to change your mac username on lines 2, 3 and 5and the schedules direct username and password on line 10. Then save it as getup.sh and place it in the "scripts" folder you created in step 5 #!/bin/bash MC2XML="/Users/username/scripts/mc2xml" XMLTV="/Users/username/scripts/xmltv.xml" #Set the working directory cd /Users/username/scripts/ # Check if we have internet connection ping -q -c 1 -t 5 google.com > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Get new schedule $MC2XML -T sdusername:sdpassword # Reload EyeTV with the file open -a EyeTV $XMLTV fi Step 13: Back in the "Terminal" window. type chmod 755 getepg.sh" to make getup.sh recognizable as an executable. Now in the terminal window you can tap "./Users/username/getepg.sh" and it will do the whole job for you. I haven't yet automated the procedure using Launch Agent, but will do that shortly. I also have to go thru this procedure on another mac since I have 2 eyetv hybrids. Thanks again to DC Rockery. I needed to put together this dummies guide because it took me a while to figure out how to make it all work. I figured someone else may need this as well
  5. 3 points
    No EPG service for 60 days.... Now you are banning users and removing all topics which relate to the MISSING EPG SERVICE, which disappeared August 7th, 2022 and has yet to return. This is how you've chosen to handle customers? Seriously???
  6. 3 points
    Dear EyeTV community In December 2021 and January 2022 due to ongoing crashes and quality issues in general I exchanged dozens of mails with Geniatech Europe and Geniatech Shenzen. On their request I sent them many screen shots and software error logs. And I made them aware of mistakes in their advertising in regards too EyeTV 4 for Macs (i.e. referring to Apple software that does not exist anymore, listing features that are not working in EyeTV 4 anymore and using outdated Apple terms). The result was rather frustrating. A lot of mails but nearly no improvement in regards to the software. Is it because of a low number of users? Certainly not as the the German director of Geniatech Europe (Mike Decker) wrote me that they have an user community with a two times seven digit number (means millions of users). Fact is: Geniatech completely missed the long in advance announced transfer of the Apple world to a 64-bit OS, that already started in 2010. And in 2018, when Apple stopped to support the 32-bit apps, It took them 15 months to produce a kind of beta software that had a very limited feature set. Furthermore they used Covid-19 as an argument for not being able to deliver within an acceptable time frame. Even now, 4 years later, EyeTV macOS is far away of being a finalised product with all the promised features – features we were used to by using the old EyeTV 3, coded by Elgato. And again they missed to make use of the developer version for the new macOS Ventura 13 that was available for months before the public launch. The result: After the update to macOS Ventura EyeTV 4 became unusable. Once more, we, the user community, feel frustrated and cheated by Geniatech. In the US of A and most probably also in the EU such a behavior would qualify for a legal battle, as Geniatech never delivered the advertised feature set and still selling this software in an unfinished and now even crashing version. Beside the legal aspects simply it is a question of business ethics. It looks like thet totally unacceptable behavior of this company needs to be counteracted by the power of their customers. As nobody at Geniatech cares in regards to the content of this forum, all of us should send a huge amount of complaining mails to the people concerned. During my contacts with Geniatech Shenzen and Germany I collected the contact addresses listed below. Feel free to flood these mail addresses with your complaints. kelly.li@geniatech.com (Geniatech EyeTV Support Team) abbey@geniatech.com (Sales Director Geniatech headquarter Shenzen) cpf@geniatech.com dgg@geniatech.com sales@geniatech.com suggestion@geniatech.com GTESales@geniatech.com (Geniatech Europe GmbH, EMEA HQ in Germany, Director is Mike Decker)
  7. 3 points
    Anyone else having problems with TV guide? My guide currently goes out to Tuesday at 7:00PM but nothing after that. My subscription goes until Mar. 19. I did a update now and it said downloading and adding channels but still no additional programs.
  8. 3 points
    Please make EyeTV open source and available on GitHub.
  9. 3 points
    I managed to get XMLTV working in a couple of hours after some trial and error Hopefully just enough detail to get people going. I'm sure I reused previous knowledge from posts I found here and on Google This is all done in the terminal. If you are not comfortable with this I would avoid this option Pre-req is to install xcode and add-on's when prompted Google and Install macports (there is a package but I installed from the source tar. I recommend you do too as it will compile the version for your macOS). I'm doing this on an old mac running Sierra. Old OS and old shell https://www.macports.org/install.php Follow the instructions on the website including adding /opt/local/bin to your path or terminal will not find "port" once installed Once macports is installed: Install xmltv using sudo port install xmltv It may take a while as it takes care of all the required dependencies. This creates a series of tools in /opt/local/bin. I'm using the UK grabber but there are others. Then I ran /opt/local/bin/tv_grab_uk_tvguide --configure This creates the .xmltv directory in your user home and defines the cache location. You do want to go through the pain of selecting the channels in this config as selecting all will take the grabber forever to run. For the UK I had to say no or yes over a 1000 time. Yes it was pain but worthwhile One configured I created myself a script file in vi ~/.xmltv xmltv_refresh.sh Use your editor of choice. In this file I entered the following: !/bin/bash # Run the grabber, limit detail for speed 14 days, pass to sorter and output to an xml file /opt/local/bin/tv_grab_uk_tvguide --nodetailspage --days 14 | /opt/local/bin/tv_sort --by-channel --output ~/.xmltv/uk-tv-listings.xml # load xml EPG in EyeTV by passing the file /usr/bin/open -a /Applications/EyeTV.app ~/.xmltv/uk-tv-listings.xml Make the above file executable by running chmod u+x ~.xmltv/xmltv_refresh.sh Test the grabber by running the above script you saved: ~/.xmltv/xmltv_refresh.sh You can test this is eyeTV by selecting xmltv as the guide against a channel. You will instantly see the channel listings if it has worked Once happy you can add an entry to your crontab like: # 00 05 * * * $HOME/.xmltv/xmltv_refresh.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 00 17 * * * $HOME/.xmltv/xmltv_refresh.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 This will run the script twice a day ay 05:00 and 17:00. Choose times to suit Good luck. Hope this helps some people while we wait .. Stuart
  10. 3 points
    I've found that communication with the Chinese owners to be a bit lacking. And, by a bit, I mean they are absolutely useless. During their major outage a couple of years ago, it took months of only getting the same response from "Angela Xu" who appears to no longer be there. For at least 6 weeks the response is our engineers are doing some final testing... I have a solution, fire them and hire a team that knows what they are doing. Maybe this is how the Chinese government deals with Spkr Pelosi's trip to Taiwan. If they don't deal with this soon, the will lose even more users. Elgato really screwed all of us when they sold EyeTV to Geniatech. Hey Geniatech get your damn act together and tell us what is happening. Better still, fix it. Did you fail to pay TV Guide and they shut you down again*? * just a guess. The support ticket system is a joke. If they can not determine if there is a MAJOR system failure, a ticket submission is not going to help. I am so sick of this companies lack of incentive to keep their system working. In the 10+ years with Elgato this type of outage just did not happen. Once in a great while they had an issue that was solved in hours. Now this is the forth time Geniatech has screwed us.
  11. 3 points
    Running 3.6.9 (7523) on High Sierra with an EyeTV Diversity OTA, with no issues. When I play a show recorded with EyeTV in EyeTV, I can turn DVB subtitles on and off, so the application clearly has the ability to handle such subtitles. However, if I export the show to a native format (h.264), only audio and video are exported. Ideally, I would wish for EyeTV to be able to export subtitles, either in a .mp4 or .mkv container.
  12. 3 points
    It looks like the topic, "TV GUIDE NOT UPDATING" got de-railed, and is now more about coding, hacks, and work arounds for the EPG? As to this topic: Has anyone had any luck with the actual EPG, or real answers from breakthroughs with TV Guide EPG, or with Geniatech? I've gotten the same run around and even legally threatened by Angela in Support. She basically said if anyone slanders Geniatech - they'd deal with it legally. I don't give her an ounce of credibility. The beginning of each of the last two weeks I've been given the same rubbish - their techs are working around the clock, and to wait another week. I've done that twice now. Regardless of when -- or if they get this issue fixed, I'm demanding a full refund no matter what. I don't know what options others have - depending where you're at - but I'm in the states, and I'm also filing a case (at least ) with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission for failure to deliver a contracted service. My suspicion: they've completely lost any kind of TV Guide licensing and their scrambling to put together some half-a$$, make shift EPG data stream service of their own! [edit] Oh... and to date, 4:52pm, U.S. west coast time - our EPG is STILL dead.
  13. 3 points
    Re: ^. Sorry, wish Forum software let you edit previous posts, but it doesn't. Here's the attachment with a minor correction in a note on Step 2. XMLTVListings EPG with EyeTV-Guide.pdf
  14. 3 points
    ATSC EPG alternative Here's an EPG stopgap that works, tested this evening. I have an over-the-air antenna (live in a rural area in Wisconsin without cable, don't want a dish). Not sure if it will work with cable. This is for a Mac running OS 10.11, should work through 10.14. 1. Go to the Channels listing in EyeTV. You will find a listing of your channel lineup you set up in EyeTV. 2. In the EPG column, there is a dropdown menu for each channel; it is currently set to TV Guide. Change it to ATSC for each channel (has to be done one at a time). 3. Go to the Program Guide window, which is still blank, and from the dropdown menu at the top, select Update ATSC (you should have several options, don't select Update TV Guide obviously). 4. I have about two dozen channels in my EyeTV channel listing (which remains active), the program download took under 2 minutes. When done, the Program Guide will be populated for about the next 24 hours (although our 4 public TV channels populated for 4 days out). The listings are barebones, but you can click to record as with TV Guide, and the individual programs do have a content description if you click on the program title. All the usual Record functions work. 5. I'll find out tomorrow if the autoupdate daily function works (set in Program Guide in Preferences), or if you have to do it manually each day. Obviously not convenient like TV Guide, and only goes a day in the future, but it did work fine for me this evening and . . . this is how we did used to do it a decade ago with early DVRs (EPG's have spoiled us). xmltv is probably a better option, I'll tackle that over the next few days.
  15. 3 points
    Here are the basic TitanTV steps (using titantv.com). 1. First, set yourself up as a user (free) and log in. 2. Click on the Site Preferences menu item at the top. 3. Click on My Channel Lineups tab. 4. If it hasn't filled in your provider, create a new lineup. 5. Click on the My DVR Options tab. 6. Enable the Remote Scheduling checkbox and Save Changes 7. Click on TitanTV Listings at the upper left to get back to the schedule for your system. 8. Click on a desired program. 9. In the popup window, click on the button with a red dot/black box (2nd from left). 10. Confirm you want to add it to your remote queue (that you have to do this for every program is a major PITA). This stores the temporary setting on the TitanTV site (somewhere) 11. Go to eyeTV Preferences/Guide tab. In the TitanTV Remote Scheduling region, click the Change button to add your TitanTV account name (not email address) and password. This will let eyeTV access those stored recording requests stored on TitanTV. 12. Click the Check Now button. (I also set the interval to every hour). 13. This should start populating your Schedules list in eyeTV with your TitanTV selections. You may encounter some channel issues (e.g., I don't have a digital TV subscription, I had to edit the channel listings on TitanTV to remove the "HD" from the names). Also, you won't know about time conflicts until this stage: TitanTV lets you set anything you want without signaling conflicts). 14. If you see a program in the eyeTV Schedules list, and nothing is set to italic, eyeTV should record the program (at least it has for me). Okay, folks, this was a quick-and-dirty rundown based on my hunting around and experimentation. I am far from an expert on TitanTV, so don't ask me about the service. BTW, the iOS version of the TitanTV app does not let you set remote schedules. Booo! Enjoy (as best you can) this clumsy operation.
  16. 3 points
    What a loss for Geniatech. They could of added a yearly subscription service to allow 3rd party hardware to work with EyeTV. Geniatech seems like its not on top of things with EyeTV. Since it purchased EyeTV, tech support is sub par, updates are sparse and bugs multiply. I contacted support by email yesterday about the issue with the PAID subscription programming guide, no reply or fix today. None of this shocks me. We all need to accept that the party is almost over soon.
  17. 3 points
    i dont have your mail adress and cant send you via wetransfer.. here it is from my drive https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zBLFocXn0-vkZKKrKfDfdyXcqdGtagF9 and also attached it here. eyetv_netstream_115_423_update.zip
  18. 3 points
    EyeTV App for tvOS will come in september, sorry for all inconvenience.
  19. 2 points
    As of a day or so ago, EyeTV 3 stopped loading Program Guide information for my postal code. First, all channels went blank. I tried to refresh it, but then it never stops "Downloading", but no listings appear, all channel program listings remain blank. (Live channel tuning through my HDHomeRun works fine.) Eventually macOS reports Application Not Responding and I have to Force Quit. I tried resetting the EPG database, so EyeTV 3 then asked me to set it up from scratch, but then it hangs when it tries to retrieve available listings for my postal code (ZIP code). Before this started happening the other day, this setup worked great for many years. So on a different Mac I tried EyeTV 4, which I have but don’t yet using daily because of its shortcomings. It can show the listings from my postal code, but OTA Broadcast is no longer an option, it lists paid services like dish/satellite and YouTube TV. And some of those are listed twice. So OTA listings are inaccessible there too. Is anyone else seeing this failure of OTA program guide info, and odd duplicates in the choices for listings services?
  20. 2 points
    The end of the year is this weekend.... Not only marking the end of 2022... but also... 146 days without EPG data ... at this point all excuses are just that excuses... "engineers' have had AMPLE time to correct the issue. If it is "server related" there's been ample time to correct that as well... Now.. Giniatech is simply in breech of the agreement they made with users (all users) --- users pay for software with a specific set of features, then pay additionally for EPG data, in return Geniatech agreed to provide the software and EPG data --- Geniatch is breeching the agreement. I wish I were a more litigious individual... but class action seems relevant. FIX THE ISSUE ALREADY! --------------------- WARNING: DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM GENIATECH - There is ZERO product support.
  21. 2 points
    EyeTV Version 3 permits use of any standard EPG (electronic program guide) formatted source; it does NOT have to be through a Geniatech provided source. I can tell you for a fact that it works with XML TV Listings (https://www.xmltvlistings.com/) out of Ottawa, Ontario, which covers North America. At $19.95 a year, with automatic renewal built in, it's a bargain (I have no connection with the company, just a satisfied customer). I've been using this without incident since the US TV Guide source was abruptly terminated in January 2019. I collected other people's info and my own experience to write up detailed instructions for setting up Eye TV to use this service; it is tricky but I've never had to fix anything once it was up and running in 2019 and I watch and record a lot of TV programs. These instructions are still posted somewhere on this site, and XML TV Listings asked me for permission to post, so it's on their site also. Since EyeTV 3 is 32-bit software, I have kept my Mac Mini used as a media center permanently at OS 10.14.6. Given the poor customer reports on EyeTV 4, and the fact that EyeTV 3 is an outstanding and mature piece of software running virtually perfectly, I could see no reason to go through the pain and agony of upgrading (I have several other computers running OS 12, but my understanding is EyeTV 3 will not run on anything later than OS 10.14). It should be possible for you to get an inexpensive older Mac Mini, erase it and reinstall OS 10.14, and run EyeTV 3 on it. An Apple dealer I patronize gave me instructions on how to erase a Mac and install an older OS; they are still available on an Apple web site that is not publicized. You notice I haven't said anything about Geniatech here; I've written them off, sad because EyeTV is great software that they apparently lack the technical knowledge to upgrade. Hope that answers your questions.
  22. 2 points
    It's very doubtful the issue is actually a server hardware issue. That's all merely the same excuse they gave in August. Last time this happened, it took an app upgrade to fix it. There's no reason an app upgrade would be needed if the issue is a hardware related server issue. More likely the API key for the EPG data quit working -- if I had to guess, perhaps they failed to pay the fee for using the EPG data API key and they are just waiting to be able to afford it again or debating if it's worth paying for. They'd need to release a new app version to correct or change the internal API key the app uses... This is what makes the most sense to me, although I doubt they'd confirm or deny this. At this point (nearly 120 days without service) they clearly just do not care about customers. Even if it is a server hardware fault.... it doesn't take 120 days to replace a server.
  23. 2 points
    Please restore the EPG service which has been PAID FOR. It's been 60 days without any EPG data. This is a terrible reflection on your company.
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    Hi all! Be aware: For a few days the version 8528 already popped up in the Geniatech download section a few months ago. It was the result of other EyeTV issues I discussed with Geniatech and it had nothing to do with the upcoming macOS Ventura. Unfortunately, this 8528 incorporated new troubles, for instance it didn' stream audio to the EyeTV iOS app anymore. After my feedback it has been removed from the download section. I assume that this hidden 8528 release on the Geniatech download server is still the old one, not containing any fix in regards to the Ventura issues. Just be careful. As long as there is no official communication by Geniatech, I recommend not to download from unknown sources. Once more it becomes obvious that Geniatech is unable or not willing to take care of EyeTV 4 for the Mac OS. As I already wrote in a former post: Mail your complaints to all this staff listed below. We, the customers of EyeTV 4 macOS, deserve a much better service. And it is time to let them know that we strongly disagree with the chaotic way they handle all the issues. They have to become aware: If they do not act, their behavior will result in a reputation risk for the company. kelly.li@geniatech.com (Geniatech EyeTV Support Team) abbey@geniatech.com (Sales Director Geniatech headquarter Shenzen) cpf@geniatech.com dgg@geniatech.com sales@geniatech.com suggestion@geniatech.com GTESales@geniatech.com (Geniatech Europe GmbH, EMEA HQ in Germany, Director is Mike Decker)
  26. 2 points
    If you go to the RoaringApps page for EyeTV and scroll down to the "compatibility notes" there is a link to a version 8528 that has done the trick for me on an Apple Silicon MacBook Air M1 with EyeTV T2 Hybrid.
  27. 2 points
    I have the same issue on my iMac 3.8 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i7. Curious to know how Geniatech will notifies us of a fix when we cannot load the app to see if an update is available!
  28. 2 points
    Bump. This topic need to remain above full pages of spam topics.
  29. 2 points
    Try all of these e-mail addresses: GTEsales@geniatech.com GTEsupport@geniatech.com shopadmin-en@eu-geniatech.com services@eu-geniatech.com I wrote a note to all of them for a refund. Within two days I got my money back (yes, they sent it to my PayPal account).
  30. 2 points
    Can you start in terminal window and type : /Applications/EyeTV.app/Contents/MacOS/EyeTV (Key Enter) Have you a message about signature concerning framework CoreAVC ? If so, do : stop EyeTV type the command in terminal codesign --remove-signature /Applications/EyeTV.app/Contents/MacOS/EyeTV and restart EyeTV
  31. 2 points
    From the web page, went to products, software, then clicked on EyeTV 4 (macOS). That led me to a purchase page here: https://www.geniatech.eu/product/eyetv-4/ I clicked "Add to Cart", and completed the purchase. Shortly after I received an activation key by email. Hope that helps. Note I already own hardware, so I wasn't trying to buy hardware. Rob.
  32. 2 points
    I sent this to Geniatech. Feel free to add your comments. Why? because I believe EyeTV is a good product that should not be ruined and made to abandonware. =========================================== I do not know your relationship with Elgato but 1 thing is certain: your approach towards your customers is just a low as Elgato's was. On the forum there are 10s of complaints about not correct working hardware and software problems. None of them is addressed. Never a solution is given. There is absolutely no sign of a future plan. Where are you people? What are you doing/ Can we officially declare EyeTV as abandonware? Will there ever be a aTV app? When will EyeTV be able to use the 4 decoders in your own Netstream 4c? Why not implement preset HDHomerun devices? Questions, questions, questions.
  33. 2 points
    Um eine Reputation zu verlieren, müsste man zuerst eine haben. Seit Elgato das ganze eyeTV-Projekt an Geniatech verkauft hat, sind aus meiner Sicht sämtliche diesbezüglichen Kredite verspielt worden.
  34. 2 points
    Has anyone heard from anyone at Geniatech? I think the staff is on vacation. And by staff, I mean singular-- one person. To quote a US politician It could be a 400 pound person sitting on their bed in their pajamas. OK Really, Geniatech, SPEAK UP Let us know what's going on, Every day, you loose current clients and make it impossible for you to find new suckers. Yeah, I am pissed.
  35. 2 points
    please feel free to try that zipped folder it contains the complete folder and subfolders from Library/Frameworks... FWAUserLib.framework.zip
  36. 2 points
    Same. 3 days and counting. Here we go again... Also EyeTV3 with a current subscription. I've opened a help ticket, but no reply so far. When manually clicking the Update Now button for the Program Guide (Preferences > Guide > 3rd button down), it would claim to update, but nothing changed or actually loaded. After I cleared the EPG Database cache via the EYETVEPGPremium Diagnostics (through the Help menu), that changed the message to "Update failed due to server error" This is beyond our control/doing. Don't change your configurations! Please file a complaint on this forum and on their website https://www.geniatech.eu/support-contact/?Product=eyetv 3 to get some attention on it.
  37. 2 points
    I've rolled back to Mojave and running latest EyeTV 3 (7528).
  38. 2 points
    Hi, I don't know anyone here so -- hi. I went to the Geniatech website and found no info about Catalina and 64-bit. I went to the blog https://www.geniatech.eu/blog-9-info-eyetv-4-64-bit-macos-10-15-catalina-eyetv-3-32-bit-macos-mojave-10-14/ and found a link at the bottom of the page to a poll on devices and a link to download EyeTV4 https://eyetvforum.com/index.php?/topic/3064-eyetv-4x-for-mac-64-bit-public-beta-preview/. It strikes me that most of the devices are for Europe, I'm in the USA. I voted for the devices I have. You should do the same. I downloaded the beta and it does run. I'm still running Mojave and thinking of going to Catalina. I do have an EyeTV Hybrid and the software finds it. I have a Hauppauge Pinnacle tuner which works fine on EyeTV 3, but Eyetv 4 doesn't see it. The beta seems to work and does look a bit different the EyeTV 3. I haven't played with the beta too much yet. Has anyone downloaded the beta and found a way to get other tuners recognized? Does anyone see anything drastically different from EyeTV 3? Thanks, Paul
  39. 2 points
    Wow! I am a little bit stunned. And happy. And a little bit angry. If you guys just would have said one word, all this bit**ing around in the forums never had escalated. I never understand why companies do not talk to their customers. Well... But I am glad EyeTv4 is happening. And thanks for using my flat theme I posted on Deviant-art a few years ago. (or is it just coincidence that it looks exactly the same :)) )
  40. 2 points
    I installed 7528 over the weekend, and made the following observations to pass on. Up to this point I have kept our version at 7520, because later versions did not recognize our HDHomeRun. Some of these may not be news to you if you have installed versions after 7520: 7528 installed and worked fine, picking up all existing recordings and schedules. (After TV Guide stopped working, we have been scheduling using TitanTV because it was not that much of a hassle, and could be done from any of our devices with a web browser.) 7528 recognizes our HDHomeRun again. While others in this thread have also noticed this, it doesn't seem to be mentioned in any release notes, so I'm wary that it might not be officially/permanently supported. But at least there is now a build that we can use as long as we don't need the Mac to go beyond macOS 10.14 (since 10.15 won't run 32-bit applications). That means we can keep using this version of EyeTV at least until 10.14 stops getting security updates, which might be in 2022. So, another 3 years of service at least. Of course, this is a moot point if Geniatech issues a 64-bit update of EyeTV. We are in the USA. Now that the TV Guide subscription is available again, I paid to subscribe for another year. Price went up from $20 to $30 a year, not happy about a 33% price increase. But it works again. I ran a channel rescan. At the end it puts up the dialog box where you enter your zip code and choose how you get your TV (I choose OTA broadcast). At this point 7528 would either crash, or hang with the rainbow pinwheel of death. I had two zip codes entered; testing revealed that it crashed if I left it that way, but no longer crashed if I deleted the second zip code so that there was only one ZIP code in there. I had to go into Channels view and make sure all channels were set to EyeTVEPGPremium-USA, because they had lost their program guide setting after TV Guide went down. The easiest way to do this is Select All first, then change one and all selected channels update. The left column of 7528 includes the EyeTV Plus service. This is not available in the USA, so it was just taking up space. It turns out you can disable EyeTV Plus in Preferences, so that disappears from the left column. All in all I'm relieved that we no longer have to consider an alternative OTA recorder for our old faithful Mac mini. (I do have Plex but it has its own issues.) We'll just keep cranking along with EyeTV. While I thank Geniatech for this update, I am not happy about how it happened because after TV Guide became unavailable and HDHomeRun support was dropped, communication with customers was handled very badly. They need to work on this.
  41. 2 points
    Downloaded and installed EyeTV 3.6.9 (version 7528) on two Minis running OSX Sierra (10.12.6). Both successfully downloaded and populated TV listings for the upcoming two weeks. Both have also scheduled, recorded, and played back chosen programming successfully. So, all is as it was prior to February of this year when the software's TV Guide service quit working. I did not receive any notification from Angela that there was now a new working version of the software. Fortunately I was able to find that out here. Thanks to all...
  42. 2 points
    It also appears that you can buy a renewal for EyeTV EPG Premium-USA in the store. Anyone try it yet? https://www.geniatech.eu/product/tv-guide/
  43. 2 points
    Do you still have the old, working box? In my case, I went to the old box, picked LIBRARY/Channels on the left hand side. Then I picked "Service/Edit on the bottom, and it brings up a window titled "Manage Channel Sets". Pick a Channel Set, and click on "Export...". Move the created file to the new box and reverse the process, picking "Import..." instead of "Export...". Worked for me. YMMV.
  44. 2 points
    I did a select all in the Channels list and changed them all to EyeTVEPGPremium - there are 1105 channels! TV Guide is gone from the dropdown, replaced by the new one. xmltv is still there. I should also have mentioned earlier that I was doing the export/import of the channel list because even though all my zip code's providers show up in the setup window, it never showed the right Service and never downloaded a channel list.
  45. 2 points
    I still have an active TV Guide subscription, so I downloaded the beta mentioned above and tried it on a spare computer. No trouble logging into EyeTV, and the service now says EyeTVEPGPremium - USA and Canada with the TV Guide expiration date. After some fiddling around in Setup, I managed to import my channel list from my real EyeTV installation and ran the program guide update. I saw the grid start filling up and thought "Voila!", but unfortunately it only gets a (random?) subset of the total channels. Anyway, it looks like they're very close!
  46. 2 points
    I just want to say thanks and how much I appreciate the problem solving efforts here. Rather than just complaining, we have some workable solutions to this "unfortunate" situation. Like many here, I have been using EyeTV and some form of HD Homerun for many many years and don't miss cable AT ALL. Over the air is just fine for me, especially with so many alternative TV options. What has happened with the business end of EyeTV being bought , first dropping support for HDHR and now this, it was (I think) only a matter of time. With no 64-bit update coming that will work with Silicondust products, EyeTV's days were probably numbered after the next big MacOS update anyways. At first all the techie ideas were just too much for me and really not worth the effort. I have Plex and that seems to be working, but not nearly as elegantly as EyeTV was (is). But a big thank you to all of you who posted clear step by step instructions on how to make EyeTV work again (Until Apple does it in for good). I will give it a go and see what happens. Perhaps its just time to start getting through all the books I want to read!! Cheers and big thanks to all you problem solvers!! Maris
  47. 2 points
    I tried to update the software but I cannot get a signal though.
  48. 2 points
    I've got a similar issue on a Windows 10 system. The app (THC and TotalTV) starts quite normal and immedately after showing the TV-panel it crashes without any qualified errormessage. The problem started after the last Microsoft core-update this week.
  49. 2 points
    Dear Frederik, Dear Ton, Dear all, thank you for your open words and sorry for some delay, many thanks for your posting(s) and open letter, really appreciate that you are great supporters of eyetv, as we are too, and sure we do understand your concerns. This joint passion is very import for us to move and develop eyetv to the next level. Based on the learnings of the last 9 month we upgraded our support teams nearly on a monthly base and we will have dedicated resources for the support of the eyetv forum as well in place soon. We take this as a wake up call. Thanks for this! Please give us some room, as we setup the additional resources which we need train, teach and educate. In add we will with the team take more attention, please go ahead and raise your question, share concerns, we will take care as best as we can, to your question: Where are you people? Geniatech HQ`s Subsidiaries / eyetv team`s are in: Germany (Herzogenrath), China (Shenzhen/Hefei), North America (Indianapolis, Toronto) What are you doing/ Can we officially declare EyeTV as abandonware? No, eyetv is developing, and the leading premium tv platform solution in the Apple Environment. We launched several mayor relases of the eyetv 3 macOS APP worldwide in the last 6 month, with HEVC decoding capabilities, new device support inside, tons of bugfixes, for latest version please check out here (https://www.geniatech.eu/eyetv/software/) country-wise in North America just launch new eyetv U6 for macOS (us.geniatech.com), in Europe eyetv T2/DVB-C HD HEVC, eyetv T2 lite HD HEVC for macOS, further in the pipeline for Q1-2017 with full support of realtime transcoding eyetv netream (ATSC Version), new netstream 4sat and many more will be demo and launched at CES 2017. Will there ever be a aTV app? Yes, ATV4 - APP - we run this weeks several dedicated country-specific testflights until begin Jan 2017, target launch date is after CES 2017. When will EyeTV be able to use the 4 decoders in your own Netstream 4c? Yes, technically it is possible, but we have mayor concerns about performance issue`s - you might need iCore 7 - 32GB - ... we do some further testing, and come back with the more precise technical requirements, and may asked 5-10 eyetv 4c user to join, and share their experience. Why not implement preset HDHomerun devices? all over there are several faq information available with regards the support of HDHomerun products (https://www.geniatech.eu/eyetv/faq/eyetv-3-software-does-not-support-the-hdhomerun-prime-extend-or-expand/ or https://www.geniatech.eu/eyetv/faq/eyetv-3-software-does-not-support-the-hdhomerun-prime-extend-or-expand/ ,. more for the current preset of HDHomerun devices, give us some time, we are in continuous discussion with third party vendors, we are happy to move it to the next level, more information after CES 2017. macOS Sierra We are continuous improve and debug eyetv 3 Mac APP with macOS Sierra, and the majority of the eyetv user are ok, but Apple has made some significant changes, and the bandwidth of the installed base are a wide range of mac hardware and the wide eyetv tuner base are not that young anymore. Latest results we experience some improvements in the latest beta build of macOS Sierra for systems who run into such situations. We keep on improving. Again, we do apologise for inconvenience we might cause, please do not stop to raise your concerns, push us and have a constructive solution orientated and fruitful discussions here. kind regards Mike
  50. 2 points
    Hardware: A new EyeTV Netstream "4T2" (or similar name, with the same form factor as the 4Sat and 4C) device, as a successor to the sadly discontinued Netstream DTT, and possibly with 4 tuners instead of only 2: for the sharing of DVB-T2 and DVB-T television over the home network.